Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 33: The Nines

This movie was sugested by my only follower. (Thanks, only guy reading this) I have acctually had this movie in my netflix cue for quite some time. Once he said Melissa McCarthy (Cant spell right now. Grrrr) was in it with Ryan Renolds, it was easy to get my wife to watch it with me.

It is an effed up movie. It's confusing, weird, hard to follow, and great. Once thet tell you what the hell is going on, it makes the ending a "Carrie Strug" ending. (Remember at the olympics, broken ankle won the gold. Hard to watch but amazing ending.)

I dont want to spoil the ending. But I will say 2 stars. I liked it. You might, but I did.

Day 32:The Life of Reilly

CNR. Mr. Charles Nelson Reilly is one of america's telivision icons. He has been in dozens of musicals and a staple for charicters in late 60's early 70's sitcoms and gameshows.

His best friends are/were Burt Renolds and Johnny Carson. Those party's I bet were f'n crazy.

This is CNR's one man stage show about his life. And damn was it inreresting. From growing up in the Bronks, mental illness in the family, and knowing Hollywood's elite, years before they were any good.  Watch this movie. You will like it.

3 stars. I like it so will you.

I'm back, BITCHES!

Well, hello. Fancy, meeting you here. What? You've been here for 2 months, waiting for another review? Sorry. In that time that I was away, I was in the hospital, and just plain old busy. No, I'm doing ok. I have a bad heart and wasnt feeling the best. But I'm much better, now.

So today is the 34 day of the year. Feb. 3rd. So I figured I would start where I left off. And end on new years eve. Really hoping to watch New Years Eve as the last movie.

Well, stap in, tune in, zone out, we got some movies to watch!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

First Month of 365 movies. Top 6

Ok here are my top 6 favorite movies from the past month.

1) Straight Time -Day 30

2) Exit Through the Gift Shop -Day 11

3) Pear Jam Twenty or "PJ20" -Day28

4) I Love You Phillip Morris -Day 18

5) Bottle Shock - Day 6

6) When You're Strange - Day 8

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Day 31: "Hump Day"

A proper movie for a wed. Strange comedy. This movie stars Mark Duplass, the actor who is also doing this 365 days of netflix.

An old friend comes to town and stays at his place. They go to a party and the topic of a "artsy porno contest" comes up (no pun) and the discussion that every porn fetish has been made. There is nothing that hasnt been done. But one thing.

2 straight men making a gay porno. Hilarity ensues.

I did like this. Good jokes, good cast and funny, yet sexy, subject. 3 stars. Watch it.

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Day 30: "Straight Time" An expariment in Dusty

Straight time is a story of a theif, getting out of jail and trying to live a normal life. The only problem is his porole officer. He is not giving him the tools to be rehabilitated.

Dustin Hoffman's proformance is the best I have seen and a great movie. I had never heard of this movie before but it looked interesting. And I am so happy I found this.

All I can say is watch this film. I give it the covited, 5 Star go tell your mama about this movie award. Watch this movie!

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Day 29: "If Looks Could Kill"

Oh Richard Grieko. You were sooooooooooo wrong for this role.

This movie is the classic "mistaken for a spy, but still saves the day" movie. Highschool student/slacker Michael Corbin cant graduate unless he takes summer school. But the french class he is with is going to Paris for the summer. I sure hope no Bond-like villans have any plans on world domination.

Ok here is the thing. This movie had  a killer action team. Great action moments and Bond villins. It's like this movie had AMAZING potential, but they casted Grieko. He looks like he's in his mid 30's playing a highschool student. His performance was pure shit. No comedic timing for his jokes.

I give it a 2. I dont recomend it, but I liked the action.

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