Oh, Ryan Gossling. Ok, maybe I have a man crush on him. I'm not gay, but if we were prison cell mates, I wouldn't complain. I'm just saying. So maybe i'm a little one sided with his movies.
I think he is an amazing actor. I want to see every movie he was in. So I picked "Half Nelson". A movie about a drug addicted inner city school teacher played by Ryan.
So another drug addiction movie. Not "Sid & Nancy" or "The Fighter" but you really feel the frustration of trying to clean your life up, but one struggle and you fall on that crutch that will make it all better.
Now my wife is an inner city teacher and I know the struggles and hurdles that she has to deal with each day. In inner city schools, alot of people dont realize that for some kids, school is their only regular thing in their life. The only thing they can count on. And when they can have a solid role model like a teacher, they really put all their emotional eggs in one basket. Teachers know that (well the good ones) and when they see their kids loose faith in them, it is devistating. Try and handle that on the down slide of a haroine binge.
Not one of Gossling's finest, but worth your time. 3 Stars.