Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 11: "Exit Through The Gift Shop"

Art or vandalism. What is it. This documentary says it is art. Street art to be more precise.

This film is recorded by a Frenchman who is infatuated in recording EVERYTHING he does. One night, while visiting family he finds his cousin making small tile squares, in the shape of the aliens from Space Invaders. His cousin takes him out late at night as Spaceinvader placed these tiles all over the city. He meets more and more late night vandals placing art all throughout Paris. As he returns back in Los Angeles he seeks out LA's Street artists.

He comes across Banksy. (the director of this film) He is an amazing artist and a great visionary.

You have to see this. Amazing artists and great story of this crazy Frenchman. It is a MUST SEE! Tell your friends.

You'll love it. 4 stars.

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