If you have never seen the clip on youtube, do yourself a favor and watch this 60 year old man sware and have a fit, while filming the sales video for a high end Winnebago.
On day 1 of this shoot, the crew noticed that the "star" of this sales video would go off on a chain of swares and rants between takes. So they just kept filming. The outtakes reel ended up on a VHS tape (this is 1989) and was the first viral video.
25 years later a film maker decided to find this old man and see if he was still alive. They were suprised that he was.
This documentary is fantastic. but if you have a mean old grandpa that hates everything and everyone, you might get bored with it sooner. I dont have one so I liked it. I do reccomend it for your viewing pleasure.
3 stars.
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